Thursday, 24 April 2014

Progress With Unity Podcast #85: Reading and Burnley reviews, Blackpool and Birmingham previews

Image (c)R Lee

I must take this opportunity to apologise to any Blackpool fans offended by certain comments in this edition. Unnecessary violence towards donkeys, or any animal whatsoever, is not tolerated. Stereotyping, on the other hand...

Around the table this week: Barry, Gareth, Rob, Dan, Mick and Paul T

Progress With Unity Podcast

PWU Wigan Athletic Podcast - Education Not Required

April 23, 2014

Progress With Unity

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This week we are in the studio at the Beech Hill Book Cycle, we have Gareth, Barry, Paul T, Dan, Rob and Mick.

First up is a look back at the Reading and Burnley games, what two contrasting matches they were.

To rotate or not to rotate, that is the question, but what is the answer?

There is a look at the runners and riders as clubs vie for the playoff spots and we take a look at the run-ins, two places up for grabs, ourselves, Reading, Brighton, Forest and Ipswich all in the hunt.

There is a preview of Saturdays final Championship home game when Blackpool are in town, I don't think we hold the Tangerine in too high a regard, then there is a quick preview of Tuesday night's trip to St Andrews, will it be a meaningless game? We hope so.

Contact PWU Podcast

Editor & Producer - Barry Worthington
©Progress With Unity Podcast

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Progress With Unity Podcast #84: Arsenal review, Reading and Burnley previews

Come on guys, cheer up. I can sympathise with your current grumpy mood, because losing on penalties is enough to turn the jolliest of football supporters into Charlie Brooker-style moansters. Not that the PWU Podcast team need such things to trigger heated debate on Latics-related subjects. Eee, Happy Easter!

Around the table this week: Barry, Gareth, Paul T, Dan and Mick

Progress With Unity Podcast

PWU Wigan Athletic Podcast - Farewell To The FA Cup

April 16, 2014

Progress With Unity

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This week we are in the studio at the Beech Hill Book Cycle, we have Gareth, Barry, Paul T, Dan and Mick.

First up this week is a look back at the FA Cup semi final, really sad to say farewell to our beloved trophy.

We follow this up with a look forward to Good Friday, Reading are in town for an important Championship game.

There is a look at the runners and riders as clubs vie for the playoff spots and we take a look at the run-ins.

There is a quick preview of Mondays trip to Burnley and then we finish the episode off with something a little pointless.

Contact PWU Podcast

Editor & Producer - Barry Worthington
©Progress With Unity Podcast

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Progress With Unity Podcast #83: Leeds and Millwall reviews, and Another Wembley Special

Let the above image be the final reference to last week's fixtures. From half time in the Leeds game, our minds have been 200-odd miles away in a big stadium somewhere in the north west of London. But our bodies will rejoin our brains at The Wembleton soon enough, for the FA Cup Semi Final beckons. Bringiddon.

Around the table this week: Barry, Gareth, Rob, Dan, Mick and Paul T

Progress With Unity Podcast

PWU Wigan Athletic Podcast - London Calling

April 09, 2014

Progress With Unity

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This week we are in the studio at the Beech Hill Book Cycle, we have Gareth, Barry, Paul T, Rob, Dan and Mick.

First up this week is a look back at the Leeds and Millwall games, lot's to talk about, mainly concerning squad rotation.

We follow this up with a look forward to yet another Wembley trip, the Latics are going back to their favourite haunt in North London, the fourth time in under 12 months, by a day!

Arsenal are our opponents in the FA cup semi final, so we have a quick look at how the Gunners have progressed to this stage of the competition. The crew speculate over the possible line up and we finish off with some very positive predictions on the outcome.

Contact PWU Podcast

Editor & Producer - Barry Worthington
©Progress With Unity Podcast

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Progress With Unity Podcast #82: Bolton and Leicester reviews, Leeds and Millwall previews

Just like Dave Whelan recently took control of Chonkin' Feckle for an early Cup Semi Final tune, Dan takes the reins for the Pre-Pre-Wembley Edition. Hey, you can't accuse us of being league-centric! Or perhaps you can, as we don't really talk *that* much about the Arsenal game. Just roll the tape, John...

In Studio PWU this week: Barry, Paul T, Dan, Rob and Gareth.

Progress With Unity Podcast

PWU Wigan Athletic Podcast - I'm From Wigan Me

April 02, 2014

Progress With Unity

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This week we are back in the studio at the Beech Hill Book Cycle, we have Gareth, Barry, Paul T, Rob and Dan, Mick isn't with us as his lads girlfriend has just given birth and the proud granddad is visiting the latest edition to the family, little Freddie.

First up this week is a look back at the Bolton game, lot's to talk about, two goals and a missed penalty.

We follow this up with a look back at Tuesday night's draw against Leicester, game of the season? A belter it most definitely was and a first goal for the Latics for Rob Kiernan.

We're on telly this weekend, but only because we play SKY TV's favourite club outside the Premier League, Leeds United, 12:15 kick off, will we get up in time!

We finish off with a quick look forward to the Millwall game next Tuesday, surely 3 points...whoops now I've said it.

Contact PWU Podcast

Editor & Producer - Barry Worthington
©Progress With Unity Podcast